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English Russian
Abyssopelagic Абиссопелагическая зона Thrive
All Всё Thrive
Amount Количество, объём Thrive
ATP АТФ Thrive
Bathypelagic Батипелагическая зона Thrive
Binding Агрегация Thrive

The act of cells binding together

Binding Agents Binding Agents Thrive

Plural of Binding Agent

Biome Биом, среда, экосистема Thrive

Biome characterises the type of environment a patch has, for example ocean surface versus bottom of the ocean

Cell Клетка Thrive
Cell Editor Редактор клетки Thrive
Cell Wall Клеточная стенка, клеточная мембрана Thrive

A type of membrane

Compound Вещество Thrive

A generic term in Thrive to get around the problem of needing a single term to refer to molecules and more complex chemical compound substances with a single word

Cytoplasm Цитоплазма Thrive
Cytoplasm Цитоплазма Thrive
Delete Удалить Thrive

Deleting something like an organelle, can in some context also refer to the delete key on the keyboard

Editor Редактор Thrive

Various editors found in the game to edit things like cells, species, and further along things like technology

Epipelagic Эпипелагическая зона Thrive
Estuary Дельта реки Thrive
Field Поле Thrive

Field that is to be filled in a form

Hex Сегмент клетки Thrive

a hexagonal tile

Ice Лёд Thrive
Ice Shelf Ледник Thrive
Key Клавиша Thrive

A keyboard key. In the future this might get used to refer to a programming key (a very technical term so hopefully this won't be confused for that)

membrane мембрана Thrive
Membrane Мембрана Thrive
Mesopelagic Мезопелагическая зона Thrive
Microbe Микроб Thrive
MP ОМ Thrive

Очки Мутации

Abbreviation of Mutation Points, should be translated

Mutation Points Очки Мутации Thrive
New Новый Thrive
Nucleus Ядро Thrive
Nucleus Ядро Thrive
Options Параметры Thrive
Organism Организм Thrive
Patch Биом Thrive

An area of roughly uniform conditions. This is the unit of abstraction different playable areas in the map of Thrive are called.

patch биом Thrive
Patch Патч Thrive
Pili Пили Thrive

Plural of pilus

Population Популяция Thrive
Previous Предыдущий Thrive
Prokaryotic Прокариотический Thrive

Adjective form of Prokaryote

Redo Повторить Thrive

Doing a change again that was undone

Sea Море Thrive
Sea Floor Морское дно Thrive

Морское дно как один из биомов в игре.

Stage Стадия Thrive

Stage of a game, Thrive is split into multiple stages

Tab Вкладка Thrive

Tab like a browser tab (may also refer to the tab key so pay attention to the context)

Temperature Температура Thrive
Tidepool Приливный бассейн Thrive

Один из биомов.

Type Тип Thrive

Can be the type of something, when used in bboce this is a bbcode directive and may not be translated

Undo Отменить Thrive

Undoing a change in a computer program

World Мир Thrive

The world. What else am I supposed to put here? You expect explanation?

String information

String age
5 months ago
Last updated
2 days ago
Source string age
5 months ago
Translation file
locale/ru.po, string 2168