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In the Microbe Stage, you control a single microbe or a colony of microbes bound together. You swim through a watery environment to find the resources your cell needs to stay alive and to reproduce. Once you have reproduced, you enter the editor, where you can review how well your species and others are surviving, move to new biomes, and modify your species. Add new organelles, change your membrane, and change your cell's visuals. Your goal is to become a more complex lifeform by first evolving the nucleus to become a eukaryote, then using binding agents to form cell colonies, the precursor to the first multicellular lifeforms.
[h2]Current key features:[/h2]
[*]Control an individual member of your species and survive the environment
[*]Predate on other species, use photosynsthesis or scavenge for resources
[*]Edit your species to make it more successful
[*]Compete with other species emerging on your planet via an evolution simulation
[*]Explore different biomes
oin procedurally generated maps[*]Fight other cells with multiple cellular level weapons
[*]Try different gameplay styles by specializing in different energy sources in subsequent playthroughs
[*]Learn about biology by using real compounds, organelles or parts inspired by real science
[*]Spread your species via the biome map
[*]Review and plan future actions by looking at population simulation results and graphs
[*]Learn the basics of the game with a light, interactive tutorial
[*]Create experimental species in freebuild mode with removed editing limits
The major goals of Thrive are to create engaging, compelling gameplay that respects our players’ intelligence, and remain as accurate as possible in our depiction of known scientific theory without compromising the former. Thrive is an open-source project, and anyone with game development skill is welcome to join our team. The game uses the open-source Godot engine with the C# programming language.
If you don't have game development skills, you are still welcome to join our fan community. We would love to have you along for the long ride!