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Key English Romanian Actions
Key English Romanian Actions


User avatar hhyyrylainen

Source string changed

6 months ago
User avatar hhyyrylainen

Source string changed

6 months ago
User avatar GrammaticallyChallenged

Translation changed

2 years ago
User avatar GrammaticallyChallenged

Translation added

2 years ago
User avatar None

String updated in the repository

2 years ago
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Things to check

Mismatching line breaks

Number of new lines in translation does not match source



English Romanian
Binding Legare Thrive

The act of cells binding together

Binding Agents Binding Agents Thrive

Plural of Binding Agent

Biome Biom/Loc Thrive

Biome characterises the type of environment a patch has, for example ocean surface versus bottom of the ocean

Cell Celulă Thrive
Editor Editor Thrive

Various editors found in the game to edit things like cells, species, and further along things like technology

Eukaryote Eucariotă Thrive
Key Tastă Thrive

A keyboard key. In the future this might get used to refer to a programming key (a very technical term so hopefully this won't be confused for that)


Last Universal Common Ancestor

Membrane Membrană Thrive
membrane membrană Thrive
Microbe Microb Thrive
Microbe Stage Etapa Microbilor Thrive
Multicellular Multicelular Thrive
New Nou Thrive
Nucleus Nucleu Thrive
Organism Organism Thrive
Planet Planetă Thrive
Population Populație Thrive
Scavenge Curăță Thrive
Spread Împrăștie Thrive

Verb used to describe things spreading around

Stage Etapă Thrive

Stage of a game, Thrive is split into multiple stages

Team Echipă Thrive
Tutorial Tutorial/Ghid Thrive

Game tutorial, should be translated if a commonly used term exists for this in the target language

String information

String age
2 years ago
Last updated
6 months ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
ro.yml, string 1