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Key English Arabic Actions
Key English Arabic Actions


User avatar hhyyrylainen

Source string changed

6 months ago
User avatar hhyyrylainen

Source string changed

6 months ago
User avatar MrJoe

Translation added

12 months ago
User avatar MrJoe

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2 years ago
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Things to check

BBCode markup Enforced

BBCode in translation does not match source

Mismatched exclamation mark

Source and translation do not both end with an exclamation mark


Mismatched full stop

Source and translation do not both end with a full stop


Mismatching line breaks

Number of new lines in translation does not match source



English Arabic
Binding الارتباط Thrive

The act of cells binding together

Binding Agents Binding Agents Thrive

Plural of Binding Agent

Biome منطقة حيوية Thrive

Biome characterises the type of environment a patch has, for example ocean surface versus bottom of the ocean

Cell خلية Thrive
Editor المصمم Thrive

Various editors found in the game to edit things like cells, species, and further along things like technology

Eukaryote حقيقي النواة Thrive
Key مفتاح Thrive

A keyboard key. In the future this might get used to refer to a programming key (a very technical term so hopefully this won't be confused for that)

LUCA آخر سلف مشترك Thrive

Last Universal Common Ancestor

Membrane غشاء Thrive
membrane Thrive
Microbe ميكروب Thrive
Microbe Stage المرحلة الميكروبية Thrive
Multicellular متعددة الخلايا Thrive
New جديد Thrive
Nucleus نواة Thrive
Organism كائن حي Thrive
Planet كوكب Thrive
Population السكان Thrive
Scavenge كنس Thrive
Spread انتشار Thrive

Verb used to describe things spreading around

Stage مرحلة Thrive

مرحلة لعبة,Thrive مقسمة الى عدة مراحل

Stage of a game, Thrive is split into multiple stages

Team فريق Thrive
Tutorial الشرح Thrive

Game tutorial, should be translated if a commonly used term exists for this in the target language

String information

String age
2 years ago
Last updated
6 months ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
ar.yml, string 1