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English Turkish
All Tüm Thrive
Ammonia Amonyak Thrive
ATP ATP Thrive
Binding Bağlanma Thrive

The act of cells binding together

Binding Agents Bağlayıcı Ajanlar Thrive

Bağlayıcı Ajan Teriminin coğul hali.

Plural of Binding Agent

Cell Hücre Thrive
Cellulose Selüloz Thrive
Chemoplast Kemoplast Thrive
Chemoplasts Kemoplastlar Thrive
Chemoreceptor Kemoreseptör Thrive
chemoreceptor kemoreseptör Thrive
Chemosynthesizing Proteins Kemosentez Yapan Proteinler Thrive

related to Chemosynthesis

Chitin Kitin Thrive
Chloroplast Kloroplast Thrive
Chloroplast Kloroplast Thrive
Cilia Siller Thrive

An organelle, note only the plural form is used in the game

Compound Bileşik Thrive

A generic term in Thrive to get around the problem of needing a single term to refer to molecules and more complex chemical compound substances with a single word

Cytoplasm Sitoplazma Thrive
Cytoplasm Sitoplazma Thrive
Engulfing Yutma Thrive

The process that cells use to eat each other without specialized parts (with just the membrane)

Extra Fazladan Thrive
Ferroplast Ferroplast Thrive
Flagella Kamçılar Thrive

Plural of flagellum

flagella kamçı Thrive
Flagellum Kamçı Thrive

Singular form of the flagellum organelle

Glucose Glukoz Thrive
Hydrogenase Hidrojenaz Thrive
LAWK BH Thrive

Life As We Know (it), should probably not be translated or not translated unless a really good acronym can be developed for the target language

Lysosome Lizozom Thrive

A lysosome is a membrane-bound organelle, a spherical vesicle that contain hydrolytic enzymes that can break down many kinds of biomolecules.

Lysosome Lizozom Thrive
Membrane Hücre zarı Thrive
membrane hücre zarı Thrive
Metabolosome Metabolozom Thrive
Metabolosomes Metabolozomlar Thrive
Mitochondrion Mitokondri Thrive
Multicellular Çok hücreli Thrive
Multicellular Stage Çok Hücreli Evresi Thrive
New Yeni Thrive
Nitrogenase Nitrojenaz Thrive
Nucleus Çekirdek Thrive
Other Diğer Thrive
OxyToxy OksiToksi Thrive

short form of OxyToxy NT

Pili Piluslar Thrive

Plural of pilus

Pilus Pilus Thrive

Singular form of pili, a spiky organelle

Prokaryotic Prokaryotik Thrive

Adjective form of Prokaryote

Rusticyanin Rustisiyanin Thrive

Protein that respires through the use of ferrous ions.

Rusticyanin Rustisiyanin Thrive
Settings Ayarlar Thrive
Stage Evre Thrive

Stage of a game, Thrive is split into multiple stages

Storage Depo Thrive

The space something is stored in, used next to a number describing the storage amount. For example how much storage a microbe has for compounds.

Sunlight Güneş ışığı Thrive

Light from the Sun

Thermoplast Termoplast Thrive
Thermosynthase Termosentaz Thrive
Thrive Thrive Thrive

Do not change it, it is the name of the game.

Thriveopedia Thriveopedi Thrive

The encyclopedia in the game, constructed from Thrive + encyclopedia words mashed together

Type Tür Thrive

Can be the type of something, when used in bboce this is a bbcode directive and may not be translated

Vacuole Koful Thrive

String information

String age
a month ago
Last updated
Source string age
a month ago
Translation file
locale/tr.po, string 2121