![]() Translation changed |
![]() String updated in the repository |
![]() String added in the repository |
English | Turkish | ||
All | Tüm | Thrive | |
Ammonia | Amonyak | Thrive | |
ATP | ATP | Thrive | |
Binding | Bağlanma | Thrive | |
The act of cells binding together |
Binding Agents | Bağlayıcı Ajanlar | Thrive | |
Bağlayıcı Ajan Teriminin coğul hali. |
Plural of Binding Agent |
Cell | Hücre | Thrive | |
Cellulose | Selüloz | Thrive | |
Chemoplast | Kemoplast | Thrive | |
Chemoplasts | Kemoplastlar | Thrive | |
Chemoreceptor | Kemoreseptör | Thrive | |
chemoreceptor | kemoreseptör | Thrive | |
Chemosynthesizing Proteins | Kemosentez Yapan Proteinler | Thrive | |
related to Chemosynthesis |
Chitin | Kitin | Thrive | |
Chloroplast | Kloroplast | Thrive | |
Chloroplast | Kloroplast | Thrive | |
Cilia | Siller | Thrive | |
An organelle, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cilium note only the plural form is used in the game |
Compound | Bileşik | Thrive | |
A generic term in Thrive to get around the problem of needing a single term to refer to molecules and more complex chemical compound substances with a single word |
Cytoplasm | Sitoplazma | Thrive | |
Cytoplasm | Sitoplazma | Thrive | |
Engulfing | Yutma | Thrive | |
The process that cells use to eat each other without specialized parts (with just the membrane) |
Extra | Fazladan | Thrive | |
Ferroplast | Ferroplast | Thrive | |
Flagella | Kamçılar | Thrive | |
Plural of flagellum |
flagella | kamçı | Thrive | |
Flagellum | Kamçı | Thrive | |
Singular form of the flagellum organelle |
Glucose | Glukoz | Thrive | |
Hydrogenase | Hidrojenaz | Thrive | |
LAWK | BH | Thrive | |
Life As We Know (it), should probably not be translated or not translated unless a really good acronym can be developed for the target language |
Lysosome | Lizozom | Thrive | |
A lysosome is a membrane-bound organelle, a spherical vesicle that contain hydrolytic enzymes that can break down many kinds of biomolecules. |
Lysosome | Lizozom | Thrive | |
Membrane | Hücre zarı | Thrive | |
membrane | hücre zarı | Thrive | |
Metabolosome | Metabolozom | Thrive | |
Metabolosomes | Metabolozomlar | Thrive | |
Mitochondrion | Mitokondri | Thrive | |
Multicellular | Çok hücreli | Thrive | |
Multicellular Stage | Çok Hücreli Evresi | Thrive | |
New | Yeni | Thrive | |
Nitrogenase | Nitrojenaz | Thrive | |
Nucleus | Çekirdek | Thrive | |
Other | Diğer | Thrive | |
OxyToxy | OksiToksi | Thrive | |
short form of OxyToxy NT |
Pili | Piluslar | Thrive | |
Plural of pilus |
Pilus | Pilus | Thrive | |
Singular form of pili, a spiky organelle |
Prokaryotic | Prokaryotik | Thrive | |
Adjective form of Prokaryote |
Rusticyanin | Rustisiyanin | Thrive | |
Protein that respires through the use of ferrous ions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusticyanin |
Rusticyanin | Rustisiyanin | Thrive | |
Settings | Ayarlar | Thrive | |
Stage | Evre | Thrive | |
Stage of a game, Thrive is split into multiple stages |
Storage | Depo | Thrive | |
The space something is stored in, used next to a number describing the storage amount. For example how much storage a microbe has for compounds. |
Sunlight | Güneş ışığı | Thrive | |
Light from the Sun |
Thermoplast | Termoplast | Thrive | |
Thermosynthase | Termosentaz | Thrive | |
Thrive | Thrive | Thrive | |
Do not change it, it is the name of the game. |
Thriveopedia | Thriveopedi | Thrive | |
The encyclopedia in the game, constructed from Thrive + encyclopedia words mashed together |
Type | Tür | Thrive | |
Can be the type of something, when used in bboce this is a bbcode directive and may not be translated |
Vacuole | Koful | Thrive |
[b][u]Prokaryotic Proteins[/u][/b]
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:cytoplasm]Cytoplasm[/url][/color], [color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:hydrogenase]Hydrogenase[/url][/color], [color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:metabolosome]Metabolosomes[/url][/color] and [color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:rusticyanin]Rusticyanin[/url][/color] (as well as [color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:chromatophore]Thylakoids[/url][/color] and [color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:chemoSynthesizingProteins]Chemosynthesizing Proteins[/url][/color]) produce [thrive:compound type="atp"][/thrive:compound].
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:chemoSynthesizingProteins]Chemosynthesizing Proteins[/url][/color] produce [thrive:compound type="glucose"][/thrive:compound].
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:chromatophore]Thylakoids[/url][/color] produce [thrive:compound type="glucose"][/thrive:compound] for free, as long as there is sunlight and [thrive:compound type="carbondioxide"][/thrive:compound].
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:nitrogenase]Nitrogenase[/url][/color] produces extra [thrive:compound type="ammonia"][/thrive:compound].
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:oxytoxyProteins]Toxisomes[/url][/color] produce toxins that can damage or disable other cells.
[b][u]External Organelles[/u][/b]
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:flagellum]Flagella[/url][/color] increase your speed in one direction.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:pilus]Pili[/url][/color] can be used to stab the other cells or to defend against them.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:chemoreceptor]Chemoreceptors[/url][/color] allow detecting compounds and cells from further away.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:slimeJet]Slime Jets[/url][/color] give a short boost of speed in one direction.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:cilia]Cilia[/url][/color] increase turning speed of cells, and can be upgraded to pull things towards you.
[b][u]Membrane Bound Organelles[/u][/b]
The [color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:nucleus]Nucleus[/url][/color] doubles your cell's size, reduces all damage taken by 50% and unlocks the other membrane-bound organelles.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:mitochondrion]Mitochondria[/url][/color] and [color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:ferroplast]Ferroplasts[/url][/color] produce [thrive:compound type="atp"][/thrive:compound].
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:chemoplast]Chemoplasts[/url][/color] produce [thrive:compound type="glucose"][/thrive:compound].
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:chloroplast]Chloroplasts[/url][/color] produce [thrive:compound type="glucose"][/thrive:compound] for free, as long as there is sunlight and [thrive:compound type="carbondioxide"][/thrive:compound].
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:nitrogenfixingplastid]Nitroplasts[/url][/color] produce extra [thrive:compound type="ammonia"][/thrive:compound].
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:vacuole]Vacuoles[/url][/color] give you a lot of extra storage for compounds.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:oxytoxy]Toxin Vacuoles[/url][/color] produce toxins that can damage or disable other cells.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:lysosome]Lysosomes[/url][/color] let you feed on other cells more efficiently, and allow engulfing cells with chitin or cellulose membranes."
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:signalingAgent]Signaling Agents[/url][/color] allow you to send signals that friendly cells can react to.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:bindingAgent]Binding Agents[/url][/color] allow binding with other cells. Required to advance to the Multicellular Stage.
[b][u]Non-LAWK parts[/u][/b]
These parts are only available if you deselect 'LAWK only' in the New Game settings.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:thermosynthase]Thermosynthase[/url][/color] and [color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:thermoplast]Thermoplasts[/url][/color] produce [thrive:compound type="atp"][/thrive:compound] for free, as long as the environment is hot enough.
Mikrop EvresiBunlar, büyüklük, depolama ve besin ya da enerji üretimi için hücrelere eklenebilen parçalardır.[b][u]Prokaryotik Proteinler[/u][/b]
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:cytoplasm]Sitoplazma[/url][/color], [color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:hydrogenase]Hidrojenaz[/url][/color], [color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:metabolosome]Metabolozomlar[/url][/color] ve [color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:rusticyanin]Rustisiyanin[/url][/color] (ayrıca [color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:chromatophore]Tilakoidler[/url][/color] ve [color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:chemoSynthesizingProteins]Kemosentez Yapan Proteinler[/url][/color]), [thrive:compound type="atp"]ATP[/thrive:compound] üretir.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:chemoSynthesizingProteins]Kemosentez Yapan Proteinler[/url][/color], [thrive:compound type="glucose"]glukoz[/thrive:compound] üretir.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:chromatophore]Tilakoidler[/url][/color], güneş ışığı ve [thrive:compound type="carbondioxide"]karbondiosit[/thrive:compound] olduğu sürece, bedava [thrive:compound type="glucose"]glukoz[/thrive:compound] üretir.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:nitrogenase]Nitrojenaz[/url][/color], fazladan [thrive:compound type="ammonia"]amonyak[/thrive:compound] üretir.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:oxytoxyProteins]Toksizomlar[/url][/color], diğer hücrelere hasar verebilen veya onları etkisizleştirebilen toksinler üretir.
[b][u]Dış Organeller[/u][/b]
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:flagellum]Kamçı[/url][/color], tek bir doğrultuda hızınızı arttırır.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:pilus]Piluslar[/url][/color], diğer hücreleri delmek ya da hücrenizi onlara karşı savunmak için kullanılabilir.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:chemoreceptor]Kemoreseptörler[/url][/color], uzak mesafelerden bileşikleri ve hücreleri algılamanızı sağlar.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:slimeJet]Balçık Fışkırtıcılar[/url][/color], tek bir doğrultuda kısa bir hız artışı sağlar.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:cilia]Siller[/url][/color], hücrelerin dönme hızını arttırır ve öğeleri kendinizi doğru çekmek üzere geliştirilebilir.
[b][u]Zarlı Organeller[/u][/b]
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:nucleus]Çekirdek[/url][/color], hücrenizin büyüklüğünü iki katına çıkarır, alınan tüm hasarı %50 azaltır ve diğer zarlı organellerin kilidini açar.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:mitochondrion]Mitokonriler[/url][/color] ve [color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:ferroplast]Ferroplastlar[/url][/color], [thrive:compound type="atp"]ATP[/thrive:compound] üretir.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:chemoplast]Kemoplastlar[/url][/color], [thrive:compound type="glucose"]glukoz[/thrive:compound] üretir.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:chloroplast]Kloroplastlar[/url][/color], güneş ışığı ve [thrive:compound type="carbondioxide"]karbondiosit[/thrive:compound] olduğu sürece, bedava [thrive:compound type="glucose"]glukoz[/thrive:compound] üretir.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:nitrogenfixingplastid]Nitroplastlar[/url][/color], fazladan [thrive:compound type="ammonia"]amonyak[/thrive:compound] üretir.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:vacuole]Kofullar[/url][/color], bileşikleri saklamak için size bir sürü depo alanı verir.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:oxytoxy]Toksin Kofulları[/url][/color], diğer hücrelere hasar verebilen veya onları etkisizleştirebilen toksinler üretir.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:lysosome]Lizozomlar[/url][/color], diğer hücreler ile daha etkili bir şekilde beslenmenizi sağlar ve kitinli ya da selülozlu hücre zarı ile hücreleri yutmanıza izin verir.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:signalingAgent]Sinyal Veren Ajanlar[/url][/color], dost hücrelerin karşılık verebileceği sinyaller göndermenizi sağlar.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:bindingAgent]Bağlayıcı Ajanlar[/url][/color] diğer hücreler ile bağ kurmanızı sağlar. Çok Hücreli Evresi'ne yükselmek için bu organel gereklidir.
[b][u]BH'de olmayan parçalar[/u][/b]
Bu parçalar, Yeni Oyun ayarlarında, yalnızca 'Sadece BH' seçimini kaldırdığınızda mevcut olur.
[color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:thermosynthase]Termosentaz[/url][/color] ve [color=#3796e1][url=thriveopedia:thermoplast]Termoplastlar[/url][/color], ortam yeterince sıcak olduğu sürece, bedava [thrive:compound type="atp"]ATP[/thrive:compound] üretir.