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Context English Swedish Actions
Context English Swedish Actions


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String updated in the repository

11 months ago
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User avatar RacerBG

Resolved comment

@hhyyrylainen Could you clarify the second sentence? I'm assuming that auto-evo predicts the population of your species in every patch they live but excludes your own. Is that correct?

3 years ago
User avatar hhyyrylainen

Resolved comment

@RacerBG that's incorrect, auto-evo affects the population in each patch. But the player dying or reproducing adds an additional population effect. So the player population is auto-evo + player performance.

3 years ago
User avatar RacerBG

Resolved comment

Thank you, that makes sense.

3 years ago

Things to check

Mismatching line breaks

Number of new lines in translation does not match source



English Swedish
Auto Thrive

Abbreviation of automatic, in most context this should not be separately translated but as part of a longer term, though there are a few places where this is used by itself and means just automatic

Auto-Evo Thrive
Auto-Evo Thrive
Auto-Evo Thrive this is allowed to be translated if more sensible abbreviation / name can be come up in other languages

Performance Thrive

Performance of a piece of software, slight variants are used elsewhere in the game so pay attention to the context

Population Thrive

String information

String age
3 years ago
Last updated
a month ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locale/sv.po, string 86